Case Studies

Our lawyers have established a reputation for successfully defending and securing acquittals for clients. These cases are frequently high-profile and often involve the most serious of criminal charges. Listed below are a select few examples of such cases.
We often act for parties in disputes that cover both the civil and criminal sphere. Our expertise in both fields enables us to give reliable, clear advice and to successfully represent our clients in both spheres with confidence.


Conspiracy to supply Class A Drugs and modern day slavery (Client acquitted


Blackmail and torture in prison  


Conspiracy to supply Class A Drugs (over £1 million) 


Multi-handed case involving supply of drugs and phones into HMP Leicester  


Aggravated Burglary and multi-handed Importation of several kilos of Class A Drugs through Dover. Crown say it was a sophisticated operation. Judge persuaded to step outside the sentencing guidelines 


Multi-handed violent disorder following football match in Nottingham. Client received a suspended sentence 


Conspiracy to commit robberies and burglaries targeting Premier League footballers (Reported in Press) 

R -v- S

Client charged with attempted murder and conspiracy to supply drugs. The case involved county lines drug dealing and an alleged gang attack in relation to a war on territory. Client acquitted on the charge of attempted murder. (Reported in Press).

R -v- M

Client was acquitted of rape following lengthy trial. The case involved exploration of intricate details and raised issues of disclosure.

R -v- J.C.

Multihanded conspiracy to supply large amounts of class A drugs. Successful abuse of process leading to a stay of proceedings following prosecution and Police irregularities.

R -v- C

- Multihanded conspiracy to supply over  a million pounds worth of class A drugs

R -v- C

Multihanded conspiracy to commit kidnap, blackmail, arson and witness intimidation. Only defendant to be acquitted of all charges.

R -v- S 

Multihanded case involving the transfer of firearms between organised crime groups.

R -v- M 

Client was charged with murder. Bail was secured early in proceedings (Reported in Press).

R -v- A.A. 

Multihanded conspiracy to groom and sexually abuse a vulnerable child with considerable learning difficulties. After extensive preparation of a large amount of prosecution evidence, the Crown were persuaded to offer no evidence.

R -v- T 

Client charged with gross negligence manslaughter of a child at local hospital ward. The case involved considerable technical detail and expert evidence. Only defendant to be acquitted. (Reported in Press).

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